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Allane - Ex-leasing vehicles


Igangværende auktioner

Ayvens Carmarket - New Arrivals (91)
Auktion - Langtidsleje - Priser vist inkl. moms - FR (53)
Alphabet Nederland B.V. (81)
Arval Belgium - (Parallel Auction) (329)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (4)
CarNext.Com NL (164)
Ex Lease Vehicles Open Auction (150)
KBC Autolease NV (103)
ayvens (227)
Bilsalg.dk - Personbiler uden afgift (248)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (9)
Comercial vehicles (5)
Renting Damaged Cars (190)
Auction - Rental Car - FR (24)
ayvens (123)
Die Autobahn - Fahrzeuge & Geräte (9)
Alphabet Italia (43)
Auktion - Vans 1 - 20m3 - FR (72)
Auktion - Højere end 100 000 KM - FR (158)
Auktion - Mindre End 100 000KM – FR (119)
Auction - 100% Electric & Hybrid - FR (31)
BMW special Auction (55)
Multi Fleet & Dealer Italy (3)
Autorola OUTLET - Køb det nu! (2)
Køb nu - FR (23)
Dostawcze - VAN (8)
Santander AT (30)
Alphabet - Ex-leasing vehicles (56)
Leasing cars without negotiation – daily results. (6)
Leasing cars without negotiation – daily results. (11)
Leasing cars without negotiation – daily results. (117)
Leasing cars without negotiation – daily results. (173)
Ford Belgium Buy Now (21)
Ayvens FSP Normal Auction (12)
Ayvens AT (93)
Mazda Belgium Auction (2)
Auction - MAXbid Flash - FR (54)
Autorola Premium-ex-Leasingcars (199)
Autorola Mix (21)
Ford Italia (20)
Ayvens Carmarket - New Arrivals (92)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (35)
Alphabet Nederland B.V. (104)
Arval Belgium - (Parallel Auction) (100)
Ayvens Carmarket - Normal Auction (100)
Athlon Car Lease Italy (79)
Alphabet Austria (55)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (45)
Ex Lease Vehicles Open Auction (37)
Auction - Credit Recovery - FR (10)
Van Mossel Vans / Commercial vehicle - NL closed bids (42)
van Mossel - Belgian Cars (97)
Van Mossel - NL (228)
Open Auction: Damaged and wrecked vehicles (direct deal between buyer and seller) (35)
Open Auction: Classic Vehicles (direct deal between buyer and seller). (27)
Open Auction: Opportunities in perfect condition (direct deal between buyer and seller). (23)
Multi-Dealer & Fleet AT (30)
Hybrid & Electric (9)
Auction - Vans and Company cars - FR (204)
Trucks and Vans Special Auction (9)
Auktion - VW Group - FR (17)
ALD Automotive Tender CZ (84)
Exclusive Damage Car auction (2)
RCI Leasing (9)
Arval NL - Closed Bids (109)
Mercedes-Benz AT - International (26)
Mobility Concept - ex-leasing vehicles and trade-ins (214)
Mercedes-Benz AT - International (16)
Auction - Long Term Rental - FR (514)
Leasing Cars Sweden (16)
Leasing Cars Sweden (10)
Leasing Cars Sweden (44)
Auktion - Renault Group - FR (152)
Arval Belgium - (Parallel Auction) (100)
Ayvens carmarket BUY NOW (69)
Damaged Cars Selection (56)
MHC Mobility (21)
Autorola Mix - Meno di 150.000 km (49)
Ayvens Carmarket - New Arrivals (75)
Athlon Car Lease Belgium NV/SA (62)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (10)
Bilsalg.dk - Varebiler (36)
Alphabet Nederland B.V. (56)
Damaged Cars Selection (21)
Raiffeisen IMPULS Leasing vehicles (51)
Santander cars and commercial vehicles (8)
Alphabet - Ex-leasing vehicles (66)
Bilsalg.dk - Varebiler uden afgift (77)
Santander cars and commercial vehicles (129)
ALD Automotive AXUS Luxembourg (Remarketing) SA Normal (1)
Exclusive damage low cost cars (8)
Ambulances (1)
Erste Bank (18)
ALD Automotive AXUS Luxembourg (Remarketing) SA Tender (95)
Commercial and Tourism Vehicles Selection (40)
Arval Tender VAN Auction - Closed Bids (59)
EX-LEASING Premium Selection (37)
Multi Mix Autorola NL - The Netherlands (2)
RCI Banque AT (7)
Ayvens Vans - New Arrivals (51)
Ayvens AT (29)
Autorola BE - Auction with BUY NOW (16)
Ayvens fixed prices Commercial Cars (9)
100% Electric (6)
Santander Remarketing (56)
Auktion - Mercedes-Benz- FR (74)
Autorola Mix - Più di 150.000 km (14)
Auction - Long term rental - FR (441)
Ayvens Carmarket - New Arrivals (93)
Multi Dealer & Fleet (1)
NL Truck Van & Trailer Auction (11)
Fleet Owner Selection (2)
Allane - Ex-leasing vehicles (246)
Leasys leasing returns (30)
Multi-Dealer & Fleet AT (20)
Premium (3)
Mitsubishi Poland (18)
Exclusive Leasing Cars (6)
Multi Mix Autorola NL - The Netherlands (5)
Bliv registreret Kun godkendte forhandlere har adgang til denne auktion

Allane - Ex-leasing vehicles

Spørgsmål til auktionen
+49 40 180370-0
Senest opdateret 02:57:00
Viser: 1 til 25 ud af 246
  Køretøj titel Auktion slut 1. reg Km Pris

2021 Audi A3 Sportback Limousine, Benzin 81 kW, Manuel, Ibisweiß 01/2021 km 43.727
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DE, Hessen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2020 Audi A4 Estate car, Benzin 120 kW, 5d, Automatisk 7g, Navarrablau 12/2020 km 180.386
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DE, Nordrhein-Westfalen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2021 Audi A5 Sportback Limousine, Hybrid (Diesel) 120 kW, 5d, Automatisk 7g, Distriktgrün 01/2021 km 170.753
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DE, Brandenburg Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2021 Audi A6 Estate car, Hybrid (Benzin) 185 kW, 5d, Automatisk 7g, Blau 01/2021 km 74.572
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DE, Nordrhein-Westfalen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2024 Audi Q4 e-tron SUV, El 89 kW, Automatisk, Kieselgrau 08/2024 km 11.494
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DE, Hessen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2022 Audi Q4 e-tron SUV, El 70 kW, Automatisk, Mythosschwarz Metallic 04/2022 km 79.171
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DE, Hessen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2020 Audi Q5 SUV, Diesel 140 kW, 5d, Automatisk 7g, Quantum-Grau 01/2020 km 127.284
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DE, Nordrhein-Westfalen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2023 BMW 1 Lim. Hatchback, Benzin 225 kW, 5d, Automatisk 8g, Alpinweiß 10/2023 km 17.902
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DE, Saarland Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2022 BMW 2 Active Tourer Van/Minivan, Ingen brændstof 100 kW, Automatisk, SCHWARZ II 12/2022 km 22.295
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DE, Hessen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2020 BMW 3 Lim. Limousine, Benzin 190 kW, Automatisk, SUNSET ORANGE METALLIC 12/2020 km 91.359
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DE, Hessen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2021 BMW 3 Lim. Limousine, Ingen brændstof 135 kW, Automatisk, SCHWARZ II 02/2021 km 79.115
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DE, Hessen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2020 BMW 3 Lim. Limousine, Ingen brændstof 135 kW, Automatisk, PORTIMAO BLAU METALLIC 06/2020 km 57.131
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DE, Hessen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2022 BMW 3 Touring Estate car, Ingen brændstof 135 kW, Automatisk, SCHWARZ II 09/2022 km 23.580
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DE, Hessen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2021 BMW 3 Touring Estate car, Ingen brændstof 135 kW, Automatisk, BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAIN METALLIC 02/2021 km 71.167
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DE, Hessen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2021 BMW 5 Lim. Limousine, Hybrid (Benzin) 135 kW, Automatisk, SCHWARZ II 02/2021 km 70.308
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DE, Hessen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2021 BMW 5 Lim. Limousine, Hybrid (Diesel) 210 kW, Automatisk, SOPHISTOGRAU BRILLANTEFFEKT METALLI 02/2021 km 50.860
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DE, Hessen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2020 BMW 5 Touring Estate car, Hybrid (Diesel) 140 kW, Automatisk, BLUESTONE METALLIC 02/2020 km 171.932
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DE, Hessen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2021 BMW 5 Touring Estate car, Ingen brændstof 135 kW, Automatisk, SOPHISTOGRAU BRILLANTEFFEKT METALLI 03/2021 km 107.360
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DE, Hessen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2021 BMW 5 Touring Estate car, Hybrid (Diesel) 210 kW, Automatisk, SCHWARZ II 03/2021 km 103.458
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DE, Hessen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2021 BMW 530e Estate car, Ingen brændstof 135 kW, Automatisk, SCHWARZ II 04/2021 km 75.293
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DE, Hessen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2022 BMW X1 SUV, Benzin 131 kW, Automatisk, MINERALGRAU METALLIC 06/2022 km 83.135
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DE, Hessen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2021 BMW X3 SUV, Hybrid (Diesel) 140 kW, Automatisk, SCHWARZ II 03/2021 km 156.861
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DE, Hessen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2020 BMW i3 Limousine, El 75 kW, Automatisk, MELBOURNE ROT.M.AK.FRO.GREY MET 02/2020 km 87.450
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DE, Hessen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2023 BMW i4 Gran Coupe Coupé, El 210 kW, 5d, Automatisk, Schwarz 11/2023 km 27.498
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DE, Saarland Slut torsdag kl. 11:00

2023 BMW i4 Gran Coupe Limousine, El 80 kW, Automatisk, SCHWARZ II 10/2023 km 37.835
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DE, Hessen Slut torsdag kl. 11:00
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