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Current Auctions

Alphabet Long Term Rental (49)
Athlon Car Lease Italy (46)
Alphabet Nederland B.V. (115)
ALD Leasing - Normal Auction (77)
Arval Belgium - (Parallel Auction) (99)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (38)
ALD Automotive (85)
Damaged cars (2)
Auction - Credit Recovery - FR (3)
Open Auction: Reconditioned vehicles (direct deal between buyer and seller). (7)
Open Auction: New Year's Eve Opportunities (direct deal between buyer and seller). (10)
Open Auction: Accident and damaged vehicles (direct deal between buyer and seller). (19)
Open Auction: Vans (direct deal between buyer and seller). (9)
Exclusive Selection (57)
Buy It Now! (1)
Renting Damaged Cars (226)
Special Selection (121)
Denzel Bank / Denzel Leasing AT (7)
Multi Fleet & Dealer Italy (8)
Drive Srl (1)
Truck & Van (7)
Auction - 24H Deal - FR (65)
Van Mossel Vans / Commercial vehicle - NL closed bids (43)
van Mossel - Belgian Cars (32)
Van Mossel - NL (219)
Open auction (45)
ALD Automotive Tender CZ (110)
Dostawcze - VAN (1)
Leasing cars without negotiation – daily results. (264)
Leasing cars without negotiation – daily results. (585)
Arval NL - Closed Bids (203)
Mobility Concept - ex-leasing vehicles and trade-ins (128)
Leasing Cars Sweden (4)
Leasing Cars Sweden (35)
Auction - Long Term Rental - VAT included - FR (81)
Auction - 100% Electric - FR (296)
Auction - Long Term Rental - FR (115)
LeasePlan (84)
Arval Belgium - (Parallel Auction) (100)
Autorola Premium-ex-Leasingcars (270)
MHC Mobility (18)
LeasePlan (30)
Autorola Mix - Meno di 150.000 km (37)
Auction - Sold to the best offer! - FR (34)
Athlon Car Lease Belgium NV/SA (104)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (16)
CarNext.Com NL (104)
Alphabet Nederland B.V. (98)
Bilsalg.dk - Varebiler (30)
Damaged Cars Selection (13)
ALD Leasing - Normal Auction (84)
Arval Belgium - (Parallel Auction) (229)
Alphabet - Ex-leasing vehicles (157)
Santander cars and commercial vehicles (5)
Ex Lease Vehicles Open Auction (180)
Bilsalg.dk - Varebiler uden afgift (46)
Peugeot Special (56)
Comercial vehicles (88)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (47)
Santander cars and commercial vehicles (78)
ALD Automotive AXUS Luxembourg (Remarketing) SA Tender (134)
Exclusive vehicle (48)
Arval Tender VAN Auction - Closed Bids (42)
Erste Bank (2)
Special Auction Autorola (1)
Alphabet Italia (66)
Fleet Owner Selection (10)
EX-LEASING Premium Selection (16)
Multi Mix Autorola NL - The Netherlands (1)
Auktion - Vans 1 - 20m3 - FR (149)
Auktion - Højere end 100 000 KM - FR (175)
Auktion - Mindre End 100 000KM – FR (63)
MHC Mobility Netherlands - NL CLOSED BIDS (37)
MHC Mobility ** VAN ** (20)
Janssen Van Kouwen Automotive - NL Closed Bids (26)
Autorola BE - Auction with BUY NOW (6)
Auction - 100% Electric & Hybrid - FR (34)
Auction - Exclusive Multibrand - TTC (No VAT Refundable) - FR (16)
Alphabet - Ex-leasing vehicles (199)
Santander Remarketing (30)
Santander Leasing (31)
Multi Mix Autorola NL - The Netherlands (5)
Multi Mix Autorola NL - The Netherlands (7)
Leasing Cars Sweden (22)
Auction - Premium - Long term rental - FR (193)
Auction - Exclusive- FR (15)
Arval Belgium - (Parallel Auction) (43)
Autorola Mix - Più di 150.000 km (8)
Auction - BMW&MINI Group - FR (91)
Auction - Long term rental - FR (330)
Auction - BMW Motorbike - FR (9)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (60)
VW Leasing TENDER Auction < 100.000KM (343)
VW Leasing TENDER Auction > 100.000KM (178)
Volkswagen VAN Auction (85)
Alphabet Nederland B.V. (91)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (65)
Fleet Owner Selection (15)
Multi Dealer & Fleet (4)
Trucks and Vans Special Auction (8)
Premium (2)
Alphabet Italia (48)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (67)
Alphabet Nederland B.V. (127)
Athlon Car Lease TOTAL LOSS (13)
Multi Mix Autorola NL - The Netherlands (13)
Bilsalg.dk - Personbiler uden afgift (4)
Exclusive Damage Car auction (2)
Mazda Belgium Auction (1)
Bilsalg.dk - Varebiler (1)
Bilsalg.dk - Varebiler uden afgift (1)

About the auction

Before you sell     After the auction     About Autocom.dk    

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It is simple to describe a car, the entire description procedure has been designed around a user friendly format which upon completion provides an accurate, complete description of the car. We recommend that you print out our checklist, which you can use to systematically examine the car. If you require further assistance, you are more than welcome to contact us on 70 20 16 61. Then our experienced staff will guide you through these points. If you would like Autocom.dk to take over all the tasks associated with selling your car, you can choose Total Service, and a consultant from Autocom.dk will come out and describe your car. With Total Service, you just have to call Autocom.dk, and then await payment for you car! - Call and find out more on 70 20 16 61. It is simple and easy to describe and register a car, and help is always available.

Telephone support

Weekdays 8:30 - 16:30 | Telephone: 70 20 16 61
E-mail: kundecenter@autocom.dk